2020-present work

March 2020 - present - New Works

In mid-March 2020 I returned to the United States, to Massachusetts, right in the midst of COVID, days before India went into lockdown and airports closed worldwide. Housing was a challenge to find and I moved numerous times before finally landing a place I could call home. During these past two years I have managed to complete a few new collage pieces and a handful of pastel chalk and water soluable pastel chalk pieces. For each piece I have included what I was doing prior or the music that was listened to during the creative process.

I am perpetually grateful to the universe for enabling me to have enough in my life to live, share, and give back to community, friends, and the world. I continue to be grateful to friends who support and nourish me and continue to shine their own light into this world. And to mother earth, all of her creatures great and small, the plant world, the elements, and all of creation for lessons, inspiration, and sustenance - I bow in gratitude always. Peace to All, Light to All, Love to All.

My heart is excessively full thanks to many amazing musicians whose music is with me each and every day and which not only is played or listened to when I create my artwork, but it keeps me uplifted always. Please see my list in my introduction on the Art on the Road page.

Please enjoy exploring my art and you're welcome to contact me to license, exhibit, or purchase my work, or to entrust me with teaching you yoga or meditation, or learn more about my travels, or meet me somewhere in on this amazing earth.
Please mouse or hover over the images below to enter the gallery for the listed category to view works.

Contact me regarding purchasing for your school, assisted living locations, hospital, clinic or office. Or, licensing any of my work(s) or interest in exhibiting my work(s) in your gallery/museum/location. Thank you for taking time to explore my work.

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